DNA/RNA Shield

DNA/RNA Shield

R1100-250DNA/RNA Shield250 ml




Recommended Purification:

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DNA/RNA Shield reagent is a DNA and RNA stabilization solution for nucleic acids in any biological sample. This DNA and RNA stabilization solution preserves the genetic integrity and expression profiles of samples at ambient temperatures and completely inactivates infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, & parasites). The unique DNA and RNA stabilization solution also prevents degradation from freeze-thaw cycling and unexpected freezer failures.

Applicable For

Next-Generation Sequencing, qPCR, microarray.

Device Specs


Reagent Storage

Ambient temperature

Sample Collection

10% (v/v or w/v)

Sample Source

Cells, tissues, blood, plasma, serum, saliva, urine, feces, environmental samples, etc.

Sample Stability

Q5: Is it normal for the Viral RNA (DNA/RNA) Buffer to range in color between clear and yellow?

Yes, the change from clear to yellow is a result of oxidation and will not affect the performance of the buffer.

RNA: Ambient temperature (4°C- 25°C) >1 month
DNA: Ambient temperature (4°C- 25°C) >2 years
DNA & RNA: Frozen (<-20°C): Indefinitely

Q1: A white precipitate occurred after thawing frozen samples stored in DNA/RNA Shield, is this normal?

Some components of the reagent (or sample) may have precipitated out of solution during the freeze-thaw process. Once the sample is thawed to ambient temperature, vortex the sample to bring precipitate back into solution. Furthermore, try heating samples in hand or 37°C for 5 minutes and vortex.

Q2: Do I need to homogenize the sample in DNA/RNA Shield prior to storage?

No, tissues do not need to be homogenized.

Q3: How to collect solid tissues in DNA/RNA Shield?

Transfer tissues in to DNA RNA Shield at room temperature, submerge. Tissue can be homogenized or stored frozen prior to homogenization.

Q4: Can I FACS sort directly into DNA/RNA Shield?

Yes, sort directly into DNA/RNA Shield (e.g. Collect 100 ul of FACS sorted cells into minimally 400 ul of DNA/RNA Shield).

Q5: How long can samples be stored frozen in DNA/RNA Shield?

DNA & RNA (<-20°C): Indefinitely

Q6: How long can samples be stored in DNA/RNA Shield at ambient temperature?

RNA > 1 month DNA > 2 years

Q7: What sample types is DNA/RNA Shield suitable for?

DNA/RNA Shield can be used on a wide variety of sample types including cells, tissues, biological fluids (plasma, serum, saliva, urine), and environmental samples (feces, plants, swabs, etc.).

Q8: Can DNA/RNA Shield be used on extracted DNA and/or RNA?

Yes, extracted nucleic acids are stabilized in DNA/RNA Shield. Prior to downstream applications, clean-up the sample via the appropriate Zymo Research clean-up kit (Genomic DNA Clean and Concentrator (gDCC), DNA Clean and Concentrator (DCC), and RNA Clean and Concentrator (RCC)).