EZ RNA Methylation Kit

EZ RNA Methylation Kit

R5001EZ RNA Methylation Kit50 Preps
R5002EZ RNA Methylation Kit200 Preps






  • Specifically optimized for complete conversion of non-methylated cytosines in RNA.
  • Ideal for all RNA inputs.
  • Complete conversion of RNA in as little as 1 hour.


The EZ RNA Methylation Kit features rapid and reliable bisulfite conversion of cytosines in RNA for methylation analysis. The kit streamlines the three-step process for complete conversion of cytosine in into uracil. RNA denaturation and bisulfite conversion processes are combined into a single step. No buffer preparation is necessary. The RNA Conversion Reagent is provided ready-to-use: simply add the reagent to an RNA sample and incubate as indicated. The innovative in-column desulphonation technology eliminates messy precipitation steps, ensuring researchers obtain consistent results. The product has been designed to minimize template degradation, loss of RNA during treatment and clean-up, and to provide complete conversion of cytosine for accurate methylation analysis. Recovered RNA is ideal for RT-PCR, sequencing, library preparation and Next-Gen sequencing.


> 99%

Elution Volume

≥ 10 µl


Thermocycler with heated lid and microcentrifuge.


0.5 – 1 µg of RNA.

Processing Time

50 Minutes


Purified, converted RNA is of high quality and is well suited for PCR amplification for downstream analyses including endonuclease digestion, sequencing, microarrays, etc.


> 80%

88 / 100
Bioz Stars

Dnmt2 mediates intergenerational transmission of paternally acquired met…

Nat Cell Biol – Published 25 Oct 2018

Sperm RNAs were prepared as previously mentioned.. Bisulfite conversion was performed using the EZ RNA MethylationTM Kit (Zymo Research, catalog number: R5001) according to manufacturer’s protocol.. Amplicons for 454 (Roche) sequencing were generated and analyzed as described previously

Statistically robust methylation calling for whole-transcriptome bisulfi…

Genome Res – Published 1 Sep 2017

454 Life Sciences (Roche) bisulfite sequencing was performed using the EZ RNA Methylation Kit (Zymo Research).

Statistically robust methylation calling for whole-transcriptome bisulfi…

Genome Res – Published 1 Sep 2017

(2017), for whole genome tiled amplicon sequencing using a novel protocol, based on the method of Quick et al. developed for Thirty micrograms of total RNA was fractionated into a long ( > 200 nt) and small ( < 200 nt) RNA fraction and depleted for rRNA as indicated.. Small and long fractions were DNase-digested and bisulfite converted using the EZ RNA Methylation Kit (Zymo Research).. After stepwise RNA end repair and further purification, cDNA synthesis and library preparation was carried out using the NEBNext Small RNA Library

Cat # Name Size
W1001-1 DNase/RNase-Free Water 1 ml
W1001-4 DNase/RNase-Free Water 4 ml
R1003-3-12 RNA Wash Buffer 12 ml
R1003-3-24 RNA Wash Buffer 24 ml
R1013-2-100 RNA Binding Buffer 100 ml
R1013-2-25 RNA Binding Buffer 25 ml
R5001-1-1 RNA Conversion Reagent 1.5 ml
R5001-3-10 RNA Desulphonation Buffer 10 ml
R5001-3-40 RNA Desulphonation Buffer 40 ml
C1001-50 Collection Tubes 50 Pack
C1004-50 Zymo-Spin IC Columns 50 Pack
  • Catalog#: R5001 /R5002
  • Package Length (in Inches): 7 /9
  • Package Width (in Inches): 5 /6.5
  • Package Height (in Inches): 4.5 /6
  • Package Weight (in Pounds): 0.8 /2.1
  • Size: 50 Prep /200 Prep
  • Unit Standard: Metric
  • Volume Units: Milliliters