HighPrep™ RNA Elite Clean-up System

HighPrep™ RNA Elite Clean-up System



Magnetic beads based reagent for manual and automated clean-up or concentration of RNA (including miRNA, siRNA, aRNA) and single-stranded cDNA after enzymatic reactions or prior sequencing.

CONTACT: orders@mbpinc.net for a discounted quote request!


RNA and ss cDNA clean-up or concentration for or after:

  • cDNA synthesis
  • RT-PCR
  • Sequencing
  • In vitro transcription
  • RNA probe synthesis
  • miRNA and siRNA preparation
  • Rapid and reliable clean-up of ss cDNA and RNA, including miRNA, siRNA, and aRNA
  • Efficient purification of both large and small RNAs, and cDNA
  • Complete removal of salts, unincorporated primers, and nucleotides
  • No centrifugation step, no filtration step
  • Adaptable to your current liquid handling workstation

Magbio Genomics

      • Product Code: RC-90050
      • Quantity: 50ml
      • Email: order@mbpinc.net
      • Phone: 416.549.8100
      • Fax: 416.961.7974
      • Payment: Master/Visa Card or Purchase Order Number
      • Estimated Shipping Date: 4-5 Business Days