MegaFi™ One-Step RT-PCR

MegaFi™ One-Step RT-PCR

Cat# Unit
G597100 rxn





Simple One Step Reaction, Superior Performance!


MegaFi™ One-Step RT-PCR is an enzyme mix of OneScript® Hot Reverse Transcriptase and MegaFi™ Fidelity DNA Polymerase with RNaseOFF Ribonuclease Inhibitor, gel loading dye, and all other necessary reagents in a single One-Step 2X RT-PCR Buffer for both highly sensitive and specific reverse transcription and high fidelity PCR amplification in a single reaction tube from any RNA template. It provides flexibility in choosing desired primers for use with a proprietary RT-PCR buffer containing stabilizers and enhancers that optimize the two reactions in a “single step”. This kit offers simple, efficient reaction setup, and is a reliable alternative to conventional “two-step” sequential RT-PCR.

Product Features:

  • Enjoy simple, one-step RT-PCR reactions
  • 1300X lower error rates due to our MegaFi™ Fidelity DNA Polymerase (Cat. No. G896)
  • Extremely thermostable cDNA synthesis at 50-80°C due to our OneScript® Hot Reverse Transcriptase (Cat. No. G593)
  • Excellent protection against common ribonucleases due to our RNaseOFF Ribonuclease Ihibitor (Cat. No. G591)
  • Earn 2X the rewards points


 RT-PCR Enzyme Mix 100 rxn (400 µl)
2X One-Step RT-PCR Buffer 2 x 1.25 ml


SKU G597
Storage Condition

Store at -20°C.

Unit quantity 100 rxn
  • Lee, G et al. “Potential monoclonal antibody therapy for the treatment of ovarian cancer” Ovarian cancer—basic science perspective :385-406 (2012). DOI: 10.5772/1268 . Application: Reverse Transcription.
  • Wu, F., Niu, Z., Zhou, B., Li, P., & Qian, F. “PSMB1 Negatively Regulates the Innate Antiviral Immunity by Facilitating Degradation of IKK-ε” Viruses 11(2):99 (2019). DOI: 10.3390/v11020099.
  • Zhao, G., Zhang, T., Sun, H. J., & Liu, J. “Copper nanoparticles induce zebrafish intestinal defects via endoplasmic reticulum and oxidative stress” Metallomics. : (2019).
  • Ji, W., Zhang, L., Xu, X., & Liu, X. (2021). ALG2 regulates type I interferon responses by inhibiting STING trafficking. Journal of Cell Science. doi:10.1242/jcs.259060