Quick RNA Miniprep Plus Kit

Quick RNA Miniprep Plus Kit

R1057Quick RNA Miniprep Plus Kit 50 preps



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  • Broad Range: Extract total RNA (including small/micro RNAs) from any sample
  • DNA-Free: Genomic DNA removal column and DNase I included.
  • NGS-Ready: RNA is ready for all downstream applications including Next-Gen Sequencing, RT-qPCR, hybridization, etc.


The Quick-RNA Miniprep Plus Kit is one of the most innovative RNA isolation kits available, designed for the easy, reliable, and rapid isolation of DNA-free RNA from cells, all tissue types, whole blood, and biological fluids. The provided DNA/RNA Shield stabilizes samples, allowing them to be stored without the need for immediate freezing or processing for up to one month. Furthermore, DNA/RNA Shield™ inactivates RNases as well as microbial pathogens (viruses, bacteria, etc.). The procedure combines a unique buffer system with Zymo-Spin Column technology to yield high quality total RNA (including small RNAs 17-200 nt). Simply add DNA/RNA Shield and Proteinase K to extract total RNA from any tissue, then purify the RNA using the Zymo-Spin Column. The result is highly-concentrated, DNA-free RNA that is suitable for RT-PCR, hybridization, sequencing, etc. In addition, the kit can be used for the enrichment of small and large RNAs in two separate fractions.


Microcentrifuge, vortex, heat block/bath (55ºC)


RNA is ready for Next-Gen sequencing, RTPCR, microarray, hybridization, etc. A260/A280, A260/A230: >1.8.

Sample Source

Any cells (animal, blood cells etc.), all tissues (tough-to-lyse, FFPE, etc.), blood, biological fluids, and enzymatic reactions (e.g., DNase I), samples in DNA/RNA Shield™, TRIzol® or RNAlater™.

Size Range

Total RNA ≥ 17 nt


Spin column, 100 µg RNA (binding capacity), ≥50 µl (elution volume)

Q1: What is the difference between the Quick-RNA Miniprep and the Quick-RNA Miniprep Plus?

Use the Quick-RNA Miniprep for cells and soft tissues. The “Plus” kit accommodates all sample types (cells, tissue, blood) and comes with DNA/RNA Shield (sample collection, transport, storage at ambient temperature).

Q2: How to store DNase-I following resuspension?

Lyophilized DNase I is stable at room temperature. Once resuspended, store frozen aliquots. Minimize freeze thaw cycles as much as possible. Freeze thaw will lower DNase activity.

Q3: Is the DNase-I treatment necessary?

If the downstream application requires DNA-free RNA, we recommend performing the DNase I treatment.

Q4: Is DNase I available for individual purchase?

Yes, the catalog number for the DNase I set (DNase and DNA Digestion Buffer) that we offer is E1010.

Q5: I ran out of RNA Wash Buffer. Can I use something else?

Yes. Use 80% ethanol as a substitute. RNA Wash Buffer is also sold separately.

Q6: Will the kit isolate small RNAs?

Yes, this kit will isolate small/micro RNA’s ≥ 17 nucleotides.

Q7: Can samples be stored in RNA Lysis Buffer prior to processing?

Yes, samples in RNA Lysis Buffer are stable overnight at room temperature and can be stored frozen (-80C). Be sure to lyse and homogenize the sample well prior to freezing. Bring the sample to room temperature prior to RNA Purification.

Q8: What is the difference between the Direct-zol RNA and Quick-RNA kits?

Direct-zol is for samples stored/collected into TRIzol/similar reagents. Quick-RNA is for all other samples.

Q9: Is it possible to extract proteins with the Quick-RNA kit?

Yes, proteins can be acetone precipitated from the column flowthrough. Please request supplementary protocol from Zymo Research Technical Support.

Q10: What is the average RNA yield? (chart)

Input Average RNA Yield
Cells 10 µg (per 106 cells)
HeLa 15 µg
High Yield Tissue (mouse) ≥ 30 µg (per 10 mg)
Spleen 30-50 µg
Liver 40-60 µg
Low Yield Tissue (mouse) ≤ 30 µg (per 10 mg)
Brain, Heart 5-15 µg
Muscle 5-20 µg
Lung 10-20 µg
Intestine 10-30 µg
Kidney 20-30 µg
Whole Blood (per 1 ml)
Porcine 10-20 µg
Human 2-10 µg

Q11: How to improve purity, RIN scores and eliminate contamination (i.e., A260/230, A260/280 ratios, DNA, phenol, protein, salt, etc.)?

Purity, RIN and/or any type of contamination can result from initial sample preparation (i.e., inefficient lysis of the sample). To improve, increase the volume of the lysis reagent (e.g., TRI Reagent/TRIzol or RNA Lysis Buffer).

Q12: How to improve RNA yield?

  • To ensure complete lysis, increase the volume of the lysis reagent (i.e., increase or titrate the volume of TRI Reagent/TRIzol or RNA Lysis Buffer). Lysate should be clear (not opaque or viscous). Pellet debris by centrifugation (if needed) and process the cleared supernatant.
  • Prior to adding TRI Reagent/TRIzol or RNA Lysis Buffer, perform enzymatic treatment (Proteinase K; #D3001-2-20) and/or mechanical homogenization (bead beating with ZR BashingBead Lysis Tubes; #S6003) in DNA/RNA Shield (#R1100).
W1001-30DNase/RNase-Free Water30 ml
W1001-6DNase/RNase-Free Water6 ml
W1001-1DNase/RNase-Free Water1 ml
R1200-25DNA/RNA Shield (2X Concentrate)25 ml
R1200-125DNA/RNA Shield (2X Concentrate)125 ml
C1006-50-GZymo-Spin IIICG Columns50 Pack
C1006-50-FSpin-Away Filters50 Pack
C1001-50Collection Tubes50 Pack
R1060-2-100RNA Prep Buffer100 ml
R1060-2-25RNA Prep Buffer25 ml
R1200-1-20PK Digestion Buffer20 ml
R1200-1-5PK Digestion Buffer5 ml
R1060-1-50 RNA Lysis Buffer50 ml
R1060-1-100RNA Lysis Buffer100 ml
R1003-3-48RNA Wash Buffer48 ml
R1003-3-24RNA Wash Buffer24 ml
E1010-1-16DNA Digestion Buffer16 mL
E1010-1-4DNA Digestion Buffer4 mL