The Twist Human Sample ID Kit offers a simple multiplex PCR approach to ensure sample identification and tracking from an early step in the workflow. Emergence of new sequencing platforms, high throughput automation systems and low cost, high performance library prep solutions have contributed to an increasing number of samples being characterized by next generation sequencing (NGS). The high complexity of sequencing workflows leads to inevitable sample mix-ups in pre- and intra-analytical processing steps, which can result in costly re-runs and misinterpretation of data for critical samples.
Track Samples Across NGS Workflows

- Direct from blood or genomic DNA
- Sample to genotype with minimal extra hands-on time
- Easy fits into existing Twist NGS workflow

- Optimized primer pairs for best results
- Efficient polymerase and proprietary buffer system
- SNP targets chosen for position, minor allele frequency, and panel coverage
- High power of discrimination within populations worldwide

- Complete end-to end solution with single source reagents
- Validated with Twist EF library prep and Exome 2.0 panel
- Compatible with Twist UDIs Step-by-step bioinformatics guide for data analysis
PRODUCT SKUS – Twist Library Preparation EF Kit 2.0
105889: Twist Human Sample ID Kit with EF 1.0 and UDI Plate A
105892: Twist Human Sample ID Kit with EF 1.0 and UDI Plate B
105893: Twist Human Sample ID Kit with EF 1.0 and UDI Plate C
105894: Twist Human Sample ID Kit with EF 1.0 and UDI Plate D
105895: Twist Human Sample ID Kit with EF 2.0 and UDI Plate A
105896: Twist Human Sample ID Kit with EF 2.0 and UDI Plate B
105897: Twist Human Sample ID Kit with EF 2.0 and UDI Plate C
105898: Twist Human Sample ID Kit with EF 2.0 and UDI Plate D